

Leore92 is a lazy person that spends way too much time on the internet. He has not touched grass in 7 years. He often gets asked if he was born in 1992 which is not the case its just a misconception. The '92' in his name is a random number he chose because the username 'Leore' was mostly already taken and as he says "does not look good". Even though he could have chosen literally any other number such as 23 or 42 no... OFCOURSE HE NEEDED to chose 92. This led to some stupid people thinking he is over 30 which is not the case.

I will find you bitch. I am going to find you. You hear me you stupid programmer? You are not safe. Until I find you go on and play your stupid games and make stupid little jokes. In the end you will die alone and you know you deserve it motherfucker. Until then goodbye. Its me you know who i am bitch stop ignoring me.